Know before you break ground
Phase 1: Plan is the most important stage the building life cycle. Cost-savings and value-add findings and choices made at this time will affect overall project success.
Identifying and resolving problems before construction starts will preserve investment dollars and can lead to significant cost-savings.
Our team is ready to provide you with the guidance needed to resolve issues and weigh short-term gains over your long-term strategy.
Identify Risks
Feasibility and constructability studies evaluate activities surrounding your project. A close and careful look at the details of your project will ensure it is viable and identify how best to achieve your objectives.
BIM services minimize cost overruns and schedule impact by detecting clashes before construction—i.e., components that occupy the same space and clearance issues.
Realize Savings
Value engineering services explore cost-saving options to installation methods, equipment, and materials.
Discovering alternatives that meet or exceed design specs will maximize your net savings during construction and throughout the operation and management of your building.
Proven Planning
We carefully consider design and drawing statuses, equipment deliveries, safety analysis, workforce loading and project milestones to deliver the most accurate and detailed schedule possible to keep your project on time and on budget from start to finish.
In addition, we apply risk management and quality control best practices to establish, document and monitor project standards and procedures to meet short and long-term objectives.
Get Started
Are we on your qualified bidders list? Call on our expertise to plot the course for your success in Phase 2 of your building’s life-cycle and beyond.
Full Pre-construction Services
Planning services also include: Design Assist Services, Peer Review Services, Project Scheduling, Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, Cost of Ownership Analysis and Equipment, Lighting and Material Procurement.